In order for the City to move forward with the road, the Serra Mesa Community Plan must be amended, since the road is not included in the SMCP. (It was specifically excluded in the 1977 community plan, but that language was struck when the areas referenced were shifted from the Serra Mesa plan area to the Mission Valley plan area.)
As part of the Community Plan Amendment Process, the City has hired contractors to prepare an Environmental Impact study and an Traffic Impact study. (Technically, the Traffic study is part of the Environmental study, but it has been contracted separately due to its importance in this case.)
We expect those contractors to be coming to the Serra Mesa and Mission Valley Planning Groups in January, 2012, to discuss the “Notice of Preparation”, which is the community’s opportunity to have input into what will be included when the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is prepared.
Once the EIR is completed, there will be a 30-day window for community comment, and those comments and the contractors’ responses also become part of the EIR.
The EIR and the Community Plan Amendment (CPA) for the Phyllis Place road connection will eventually go to the City Council for final consideration, at which point there will be one last chance for community input. However, experience has taught us that in most cases, we must win over supporters long before an action goes to City Council.
If you would like to be a part of this process, sign up for the Serra Mesa mailing list (use the form on the right) to stay informed.
[Last updated: December 20, 2011]