Environmental Document
The Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DPEIR) for the Serra Mesa Community Plan Amendment Street Connection is posted at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/ceqa > Scroll down to June 2, 2016. You can also find a map of the proposed street change here.
Serra Mesa Planning Group (SMPG) Response Letter
The Franklin Ridge Road Connection Subcommittee met four times with the main purpose to draft a letter in response to the DPEIR. In evaluating the DPEIR the focus was on identifying the inconsistencies, specific impacts, errors, omissions of data or analyses, and conclusions not based on evidence. SMPG reviewed and approved the response letter (click here to view) on June 16, 2016.
Serra Mesa Planning Group (SMPG) Position Statement
On June 16, 2016 SMPG approved a position statement (click here to view), which was sent to the City.
Serra Mesa Community Council (SMCC) Response Letter
SMCC’s attorney submitted to the City a response letter (click here to view) to the DPEIR on SMCC’s behalf.